SII Assist is available to help Syndicates with the production of the Solvency II Pillar 3 returns to the Lloyd’s of London market.
Covering both the quarterly (QAD/QSR) and annual submissions (AAD/ASR/AAB), the software has been designed to enable the submissions to be created and validated in a standard Excel spreadsheet environment.
The software can then output the data in a CSV format which can be loaded into the Core Market Returns (CMR) system.
SII Assist for Lloyd’s allows you to create tailored workbooks containing the templates which you need to complete for each of your submissions in a familiar spreadsheet format. The software is designed to use as much of the standard Excel functionality as possible to making it very straightforward to set up and operate.
Updates and maintenance can be carried out by software users with no requirement for administrator privileges on the computer, so there should be very little demand placed on IT support.
Running through standard Excel spreadsheets, you have all of the usual flexibility to copy and import information from any source that is compatible with a spreadsheet.
All of the validation tests that are specified by Lloyd’s are included in the software, so you have the major advantage of being able to validate the data immediately on your own computer without having to upload it to the CMR and waiting for the results to come through.
Once the templates are completed, you can then output the data into the appropriate CSV format so you can easily upload the supervisory and asset data to the CMR.